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Equipaddock Mixture Grass Seed 1 Acre Pack

Pack Size / OptionsPrice 

Product Description




A very flexible grazing and cutting ley focused on and most suited for use by horses and ponies.

 The combination of 3 ryegrasses, timothy grass, red fescue and smooth stalked meadow grass help form a pasture with a dense sward but very capable of producing good yields of high quality horse hay.

The creeping nature of the fescues and meadow grasses ensure that this ley will repair itself where heavy treading or close grazing have occurred. This feature also means that EQUIPADDOCK can be readily used on gallop areas where hard wear and dense cover are essential.

 EQUIPADDOCK is very responsive to moderate use of nitrogen fertiliser that will enhance yields of forage for hay and assist with recovery after cutting.

Sowing rate: 13kg/Acre. A 13 KG PACK COVERS 1 ACRE

Active Ingredient

15%early,30% intermediate,23% late perennial ryegrass, 16% strong creeping red fescue, 12% Timothy, 4% smooth stalked meadow grass

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